Saturday, November 19, 2005

Signing off

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

An offer we cannot refuse

We have been offered a mortgage loan - we will sign as fast as possible and then hopefully move soon, soon, SOON!
Mental note: need to buy one more car.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Quick update after a busy week. Firstly it seems that another mortgage lender has accepted our application. So, now we are moving after all, but nothing is sure until the papers are signed.
Frost this morning, for the first time. The week has been cold and blustery, with lots of rain, and now winter is knocking on our door.
Thursday: Paul Weller concert in Usher Hall. Very good except for things like the crappy seats we had, and that the sound was excruciatingly awful. The support band was very poor as well. But the Paul Weller songs, wow.
Yesterday evening we went to see Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, which was a great and memorable experience. Fabulous entertainment.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Write now

Quick update.
Writing 'till my fingers bleed. Trying to keep up. Reached 13,000 words 2 minutes before midnight. That's still 2,000 short of the target. Man.
And everything was down at work today, no server, no network, no internet connection, no way of checking anything, even the phone lines were at times not working or sending German Kodak calls to Greek Motorola agents and so on. Very strange. Why didn't I write like a mad? Because everybody had nothing to do, and they were all staring at my monitor where I had written "breast". That's why.
The word thermometer on the right has been taken down due to too heavy web traffic. Do not adjust your sets.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Write on

Second week of NaNoWriMo starts today. I am behind. I should have been close to 12000 words yesterday, but work and a roleplaying appointment made me reach less than 10000 within the first week. I have some serious catching up to do. Today I didn't have time to write a single word during work, not even in my breaks.
I managed to write 300 words last night after midnight, when I returned from my roleplaying session, and then another 700 right after I returned to work.
This is the week that will break me or make me stronger. Possibly both.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Happy birthday Susanne

Susanne, aka Mrs Rasmussen, is 42 years old today. Happy birthday!