Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Lights on

Two new headlight bulbs did the trick, and our car may again shine in the darkness. Monday morning saw freezing temperatures, while today was almost mild. One week to Mrs Rasmussen's Christmas holidays. Had linguine with garlic an olive oil for supper. Matthias was "going out" with someone yesterday. Today they were no longer "going out". I seem to remember this phase in life. I recorded two brilliant films over the weekend, only to find out the tape didn't record any sound. I've got a hole in my shirt.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Lights out

I was going to drive to St Andrews after work Friday to spend the night there, because Mrs Rasmussen was working Saturday. When I got into the car I realised that the headlights wasn't working, so I crept home on parking lights only. Then I rushed to get a bus to get to a local train station and catch the next train to Leuchars. Then taxi from Leuchars to St Andrews, where I managed to arrive around 8.30. What a day.
This little headlight problem has so far cost £25 in train tickets, £16 for taxis and a couple of quid for Edinburgh buses. And the headlights are still not working.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


What happened? I wrote on this blog last Sunday, turned my back for a second and it's THURSDAY already! It's crazy. Bizarre. And real.
It's been a "normal" week. School. Work. Sleep. UK Snooker Championship.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Films this week

We have been watching several films this last week, both in the cinema and on DVD and TV. Last Sunday it was Finding Neverland, a gentle, nice experience.
Monday night I tried to stay awake through all of First Blood, but no, it's just too lousy. I didn't make it.
Wednesday night Mrs Rasmussen and I watched It's All About Love, directed by Thomas Vinterberg, and that must have been the greatest disappointment for a long time. This film is a must-see for film students if they want to study pointless dialogue, scenes with no apparent purpose, wobbly story and at times painfully bad acting.
Saturday night I finally got to see Moulin Rouge!, a film close to being a true masterpiece had it not been for the totally miscast, and incompetent, Nicole Kidman. She might be a huge Hollywood star, but she doesn't kid me. All non-Kidman scenes, and even some scenes with her in them, were glorious and extravagant. Aften Moulin Rouge! we stayed up to watch Quills starring Jeffrey Rush and the always brilliant Kate Winslet. Though the film had potential it was not good enough to stay awake until 2 in the morning.
Today we finally got to see The Incredibles. I thought it was fabulous. So did Matthias. Mrs Rasmussen was dissappointed with her old master Brad Bird - I admit it, The Iron Giant is a masterpiece - and Sofie liked it OK, I guess.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Thursday it became cold

Thursday morning last week saw below-zero temperatures, and I cycled to work in Susannes extra-extra warm winter gloves. It's been that cold since, and we are doing stuff in the house at the moment while a fire is burning in the stove.
Earlier today we went to the yearly Christmas Market at the local Rudolph Steiner School. It was great being "back", as we used to participate in the Christmas Bazar at the Steiner School in Århus for seven years. We almost forgot how great it was. Matthias stayed there from they opened until they closed, and Sofie joined him in the afternoon.
Winter has come. We have made the syrup base for Gløgg, a Danish variation on mulled wine, and will have it tonight. Tomorrow we are going to see The Incredibles, and I will make doughnuts when we get home. All is well.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Adobe Acrobatics

Wow, time does travel fast. I mean, not as fast as light or crap reality TV, but just fast. I have been working 9-5 this week, doing my initial training and now I have begun to look into the up-and-coming version af Adobe Acrobat - oooh, I've seen things...
Funny as it may sound, the company needs technical support for exactly this product - and in German. So hey, I speak German, so why not? Alles klar, herr Kommissar.
The point is, I haven't had time to write as much as I would have liked, but I know that's one of the hazards having a normal job-type job. It takes your time away.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Adobe support

I am starting a temporary contract job as a supporter for Adobe software products from Monday. The contract expires at the end of January 2005. The company that handles all UK support for Adobe is located in Sighthill, which is almost a neighbour to Colinton.
So, for the next three months I'll be working 9-5, as they sing in that song.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I have to admit I didn't believe it until today, but the Scottish Executive have decided to ban smoking in public places from 2006. In fact I still don't believe it. But if it is true and will be put through, it's fantastic. All my life I have been used to the fact that it was a human right to poison me with smoking. The vision of being able to enter a pub, have a pint in a non-smoking atmosphere, is perhaps no longer a dream. And Scotland, of all nations, who would have thought that?

Monday, November 08, 2004

I don't drink...wine 2

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Happy birthday Susanne

Matthias was the logistic operator behind this morning's celebration of Susanne's birthday. He got up, set the table and sliced bread and made tea before waking us up.
This afternoon we are having friends over for hot cocoa, rolls and brunsviger, black treacle cake, like we use to.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Prelims & fever

Sofie started her preliminary exams yesterday, or "prelims" as they are called (Danish: terminsprøver). Yesterday was English and French, and today is more French, and History. She will be doing her prelims the next couple of weeks.
Matthias has been down with a fever since Wednesday, but he was better yesterday evening. He will still be off school today, though.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Watch this swing...state

My condolences to the American people and to everyone else who will be so unfortunate to have the hollow, artificial and money-backed American version of democracy crammed down their throats the next four years.
If nothing else, you know there's something very wrong when Putin and Berlusconi endorse something.
I know we have had our share of political madmen - and mad women, hell, we still have - in Scandinavia, but I have to say that our democratic heritage is something to be proud of.
American politics are a bit like presenting a BigMac and a Whopper and call it "choice".
OK, next stop 2008. Hilary?

Monday, November 01, 2004

Do you Kerry?

Hell, I'll jump right into it: I think John Kerry will win the election tomorrow. It's just a feeling. Unfortunately it will probably not mean a great deal. American politics have moved so far away from democratic ideals, it's become a farce, a freak show. We will all lose in the end.
I saw John Kerry, who has been one of the most steadfast spokespersons for gun control, wielding a shotgun at a rally in Idaho, with the words: "This is a great gun!" Meanwhile George "watch this swing" Bush has been dancing on Lincoln's grave by blending religion and politics in exactly the way old Abraham vowed would never happen.
Great. Welcome to your nightmare.